6 thoughts on “Act As If

  1. Well said, my friend. Here’s another caveat for you….I am 5’3″ tall. Body posture and language (ok, 3-4″ heels also help) have fooled most people into believing I am much taller by inches. I often wonder what the air is like for people who are very tall….something to muse over and be amused by……

    1. Dear Kelley, This is the most amusing muse of them all! I will ask Dad and get back to you. Mid nothing else, I would muse that they would have to drink a lot more water as the oxygen might be a little thinner up there!!

  2. Beautifully written, Stephanie. “Growing into your height” is very relatable! I loved your twitter interview and want to hear all about Come From Away. xoxo

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