Cancer Musings · Chemo Daze

Wigging Out With A New Attitude

What’s a growing-bald-by-the-minute Mama to do? Prepare for the fallout and find the great coverup. To wig out, or not to wig out? That’s the question. But when I still had long hair and had to imagine what it’d like to be going el commando on top, I grabbed my wigman. Alexandra, of course. It’s not… Continue reading Wigging Out With A New Attitude

A Mama's Muse · Cancer Musings · Chemo Daze

Invasion of the Body Snatchers

Never saw that movie. Why bother? My life has all the sci-fi/horror elements it needs to recreate the film just fine. Chemo invaded my body two and a half weeks ago, and I’m sure that’s when the aliens snatched away my perfectly good body and replaced it with a subpar shell. I didn’t notice right… Continue reading Invasion of the Body Snatchers