Legacy Stories

Inspiring Stories of Resilience: Our Piece of Poland

Searching for Inspiration in a Cemetery Alex pulled into the cemetery, and I acted like the inspired tour guide at our latest stop. “Here it is!” Alex’s Polish relative in the backseat took it all in. This place whispered inspiring stories of strength and endurance; I was sure of it—if only the tombstones could talk.… Continue reading Inspiring Stories of Resilience: Our Piece of Poland

Legacy Stories

Uncle Rob’s Legacy: The Untold Chapter of Connection and Loss

I rewrote this many times, trying to find my heart in all this loss. I wanted to see my uncle one last time before he passed. His cancer-riddled state didn’t matter; I would do anything to talk to him again. Only, I didn’t get that chance. In our anguish over fulfilling others’ final wishes and… Continue reading Uncle Rob’s Legacy: The Untold Chapter of Connection and Loss