Finding Extraordinary

13 Big-Man Secrets To Jumpstart Wilt Chamberlain Day!

Happy Wilt Chamberlain Day, Philly! I bet you didn’t know that on July 13, 2023, the mayor declared it as such at the premiere of the documentary on Wilt’s life, ‘Goliath’ (which is still streaming on Showtime a year later). Any day is a day to remember Wilt, but since it’s official, let’s bring on… Continue reading 13 Big-Man Secrets To Jumpstart Wilt Chamberlain Day!

Legacy Stories

The Legacy Auction: Footprints From Wilt’s 100-Point Game

Say the word auction, and I confess, it sets me back to my failed attempt to auction off a signed basketball for charity–no bids, no excitement, just me shyly raising my paddle to repurchase it. However, the auction to support the Wilt Chamberlain Scholarship Fund (live now through April 9)—featuring pieces of the hardwood floor… Continue reading The Legacy Auction: Footprints From Wilt’s 100-Point Game