Legacy Stories

Why Wilt Chamberlain Stood Taller Than GOLIATH? 

It’s a tall order, but if anyone can tackle this burning question, it must be me. Warning: this muse contains a fire alarm! I went to the premiere of GOLIATH: Life On An Epic Scale (the docuseries on the life of Wilt Chamberlain) and saw part two when they interviewed his former teammates, my Dad… Continue reading Why Wilt Chamberlain Stood Taller Than GOLIATH? 

Legacy Stories

At 106, Pop Jones Captures The Heart of The City of Brotherly Love

I always thought it was God’s sick joke to be the daughter of my Dad, who played and then coached Sixers Championships, when I couldn’t make a basket unless my eyes were closed. When I was young, I asked my Dad to teach me how to play basketball. He must have been trying to get… Continue reading At 106, Pop Jones Captures The Heart of The City of Brotherly Love

A Muse 4 Mama

Hence The Name A Muse 4 Mama But What’s The Point?

I’ll tell you the point; this motherboard’s fried! (Don’t mind me; I’m just arguing with GrammarlyGO!) I’m so over GrammarlyGO. I write something that makes my stomach flutter (in a good way), which means it’s time to release it into the world, post that sucker, baby! And then I check what GrammarlyGO (AI text generation)… Continue reading Hence The Name A Muse 4 Mama But What’s The Point?