Cancer Afterlife

For The Times We Can’t Add Joy To Enjoy

I’m feeling so scattered that I don’t know what to say. How’s that for a start? Yet, amid the broken pieces of my life, I want to do something with my cancer story to help others find joy. It’s the missing ingredient in all of our lives right now.

It’s not enough that I shared my story. I need to do more with it. Everywhere people are suffering. I want to help make a terrifying thing that can happen to any one of us better for all of us.

And Saturday, my aunt passed away from multiple sclerosis. I remember all she went through as that disease progressed, and she handled it so gracefully. I never remember her being afraid. Not once.

All the more reason I want to be there for others.

And here, I have yet to heal. Secretly, I feel like I’m no different than the woman I was when I was diagnosed with cancer two years ago.

I put on my brave face when my life felt shattered and acted like everything would be fine. I wrote a funny muse every week until I noticed joy could walk by my side even in the darkest times.

If only life could be that easy.

Now it feels so daunting. Inevitably I’m faced with a challenge, and then I think, great, first cancer, now this.

Now it feels so daunting. Inevitably I’m faced with a challenge, and then I think, great, first cancer, now this.

So I wrote a list with 50 items I need to work on since cancer–a great idea to rob the joy out of my life even more. And it did nothing for me in the motivation department.

No wonder I’m feeling so scattered.

But what do we say for those times we all go through when we’re just not feeling the joy?

Don’t let life get the best of you that you forget to enjoy it. Add joy and enjoy your day.

But life can be harsh. I get it.

And amid all the seriousness, two of the cutest dogs escaped into our backyard. They were small enough that they could shimmy through the fence.

I ran out to greet them. While petting the adorable puppy, the older dog got jealous, and they started fighting over me. I was squealing with joy.

I picked up the little one and couldn’t get enough delight carrying it home while the older one followed me. Meanwhile, my dog slept through it all.

They were living proof you can add joy to enjoy your day.

And even as I grieve my aunt, we’ll have a two-fold celebration of life this weekend with a service and a baby shower.

And here’s cause for another celebration–today’s my Mom’s birthday.

No wonder I’m feeling scattered, and joy’s getting misplaced. I’m all over the place.

When we feel scattered and lost, we forget the missing ingredient. Don’t let the tough times fool us. We have to add joy to enjoy.

I’ll add that to my list of things to work on.

6 thoughts on “For The Times We Can’t Add Joy To Enjoy

  1. Thank u for hitting a cord in my life. I forgot to smile. Happy Birthday to your mother.
    Bless u.
    ❤️ Bonnie

    1. Thank you for sharing that you got your smile today. Now I’m smiling! I’m very blessed we have each other to share our journeys!! xoxo

  2. So sorry for your loss Stephanie. Can so relate to the story. Life can be harsh and feel so scattered. I’m here for you as I know you are for me❤️

    1. I most definitely know you’re here for me. Your words mean so much and you’ve helped me through all this insanity, over and over again. And I’m so glad you know I’m here for you, too! Now we just have to see each other!!! xoxo

  3. My loving sorry about your loss. Only you can play with words that can turn around distress into peace. Indeed life is filled with challenges, but even so, it’s worth living. Through the grace of God, two adorable puppies randomly show up to make us smile and see a bigger picture that only HE understands. You are a strong, beautiful woman who helps the rest of us remember joy exists, we must find it. Please know I will be present in your upcoming celebrations of life. God bless…love you so.

    1. You know how to make me smile. I’m so blessed if I don’t have the puppies I know I have you. I also know you’ll be with me at the upcoming celebrations of life in spirit and love. I value your support and strength more than you’ll ever know. Love and great hugs!! xoxo

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