A Mama's Muse · Basketball Legacies · Meaningful Moments

Hence The Name A Muse 4 Mama But What’s The Point?

I’ll tell you the point; this motherboard’s fried! (Don’t mind me; I’m just arguing with GrammarlyGO!)

I’m so over GrammarlyGO. I write something that makes my stomach flutter (in a good way), which means it’s time to release it into the world, post that sucker, baby! And then I check what GrammarlyGO (AI text generation) has to say, and it asks me what my point is.

My point is to tell stories–now, there has to be a moral to every single post?

The stuff I write helps me process life for better or for worse. And sometimes, in the thick of the worst of it and haven’t processed things yet, I can’t write at all.

These muses aren’t by me or about me; I write them for me. Hence the name, A Muse 4 Mama.

But that’s when the problem sets in–that’s a mission statement but a vague point for a muse.

Last week, I wrote a Father’s Day teaser about Pop Jones being 106. Only I didn’t get that flutter in my stomach that tells me to publish, so I asked GrammarlyGO what needed work and got the same response, “It would help if you had a focus.”

So I sent out nothing and worked on an article about the rare experience of watching Billy Joel meet Dr. J as part of an article on the Billy Joel and Stevie Nicks concert for my friend’s online magazine.

That article finally came out today. Pop Jones would have made it out in the world already.

When I need to have a point, and I question if I do, I come up with a brand new idea.

And then I get into trouble.

But where is Pop Jones in all of this?

Oh, right, focus.

So I wrote an entirely new Pop Jones story—all the fun behind-the-scenes of meeting a man who’s 106.

I didn’t get the flutter in my stomach for that one, either. So it’s sitting in my drafts.

I didn’t need GrammarlyGO to point out the obvious. I didn’t have a point, yet again.


Why do I need to tell these stories about Pop Jones, Billy Joel, and Dr. J. or tell these memories about basketball?

It’s something I’ve lived through. I’ve lived to tell, so now I want to tell.

That sounds like I’m writing these muses, after all. And when life gets overwhelming, I err, don’t have a plan.

My friend said the other day, “When you publish you’re book, I’ll be the first to interview you.”

And then I realized, what would that book even be about?

Let’s face it. My life feels fried like this motherboard from my oven.

No wonder why my oven stopped working.

If I look anything like that on the inside, no wonder I can’t find my mojo, muse, call it what you want when you’re in there. On the outside, it’s purpose.

But just talking about this gives me a reason to believe I have a goal.

As soon as I get that motherboard for that oven and get her working again, there’s no telling what she’ll be able to cook up.

I tell these stories for a reason, even if I don’t know sometimes what that even is, but that’s okay, as long as you’re here with me. We can get through anything. And another thing, no more checking in on GrammarlyGO. This artificial intelligence stuff is just so fake.

It’s not like you can argue and tell it how you feel. It would prod me to develop a better argument–stick to one point.

How about this for a point? It’s called A Muse 4 Mama, not A Muse 4 GrammarlyGO.

Now, do you want to be a fly on the wall and relive the moment Billy Joel met Julius Erving?

6 thoughts on “Hence The Name A Muse 4 Mama But What’s The Point?

  1. Dearest Steph…promise you’ll never stop telling your stories!! You write them for all of us “Mamas” whose motherboards are also fried! We need you. None of us have a plan when our “ovens” stop working. Contrary to GrammarlyGO’s opinion, your messages always have a point or they would never resonate with us. Your basketball stories make me smile inside because they bring back happy moments I also lived. I join your friend in hoping to read your book some day! You couldn’t lose your authentic, human mojo if you tried. Keep them coming…love you so. xoxo

    1. It makes me feel so good to be fried with my friends by my side. Sometimes (particularly when I’m fried) I forget the most important thing—we have one another. You’re my most important focus. With you I can say and be anything I want to be.

      And when you’re fried I’ve got your motherboard until you’re up and running again!!

      Love you so!!! xoxo

  2. Well boy am I glad to have found you. I have thought if you, your dad and your mom and sister so often in my life. I look back and wonder where the days and years went. I look back and feel like I’m 10 or 13 again. I laugh, giggle and cry. I think of all those basketball games 🏀. All our crazy days and nights- girls secrets- boy crushes- late nights- secrets and escapades and big dreams. Your wedding was one of the highlights of my life and that speaks volumes. I hope you never stop writing ✍️ 🙂. In fact maybe we should put our mamma fried brain 🧠 😜 😉 together and come up with a NYTimes best seller. Actually I think we may have a HIT. They won’t know what came at them… Sending you peace, love and joy.
    Always and forever with Ribbons down your back xoxo

    1. Well, Hello Dolly!! You’ve brought me to tears! We can’t ever get out of touch with each other again! Please promise me that!! Just thinking about writing a book with you makes my heart sing!! We would have so much fun!! Remember when we’d pass notes to each other in Mr. A’s class? We signed them BB something or other and someone once found one of the notes and thought it stood for big boobs, when of course it stood for basketball. How could anyone be so dense!! We have so much to talk about!!! Yeah!! You’ve made me so happy!! Sending you love and hugs!! And our big chorus number, “It’s so nice to have you back where you belong!” xoxo

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