Finding Extraordinary

13 Big-Man Secrets To Jumpstart Wilt Chamberlain Day!

Happy Wilt Chamberlain Day, Philly! I bet you didn’t know that on July 13, 2023, the mayor declared it as such at the premiere of the documentary on Wilt’s life, ‘Goliath’ (which is still streaming on Showtime a year later). Any day is a day to remember Wilt, but since it’s official, let’s bring on… Continue reading 13 Big-Man Secrets To Jumpstart Wilt Chamberlain Day!

Finding Extraordinary

Beyond The Greetings: Unwrapping The Heart of Hallmark Christmas Chick Flicks

Here’s our picture-perfect joy to the world this holiday season. Ever wonder what’s beyond the greetings? Same with those Hallmark Christmas chick movies. You only have to unwrap one to get to the heart of them all. With a predictable, sappy plot, the girl always gets the guy at the end. Yet, I’ve fallen in… Continue reading Beyond The Greetings: Unwrapping The Heart of Hallmark Christmas Chick Flicks

Finding Extraordinary

The Mother Lode Of The Wild West, Bolivia

Twenty-three years ago. I went to Bolivia filled with youth, health, and an adventurous silver streak in my otherwise brown hair, but I couldn’t appreciate the riches of the Wild West of Bolivia the way my father-in-law (Papito) did. He drew from those riches when we first met at their apartment in Washington, DC. We… Continue reading The Mother Lode Of The Wild West, Bolivia