A Muse 4 Mama · Cancer Afterlife

A Quick Getaway–The Perks of A New Job

It’s a year after my bilateral mastectomy, and I’m in my plastic surgeon’s office Friday, and she’s asking to see my boobs. It’s something I initially felt so squeamish about, and then I could do without even being asked. Yet, it’s a year later. How do I think about it all now? It’s human nature… Continue reading A Quick Getaway–The Perks of A New Job

Cancer Afterlife · Chemo Daze

The Halfway House Between Life & Death

I’ll be serious with you for a change, as fun as I’ve made cancer out to be. There needs to be a disclaimer: don’t try this at home. In other words, don’t go looking for cancer. But sometimes, cancer finds you or a loved one, and then all the jokes stop, and the tears come… Continue reading The Halfway House Between Life & Death

Cancer Afterlife · Cancer Musings

Bosom Buddies: Leaving The Port Behind

My radiologist and I recently celebrated our first and only anniversary. Though I had to go under the knife to meet him and see him again, he put my port in last October and took my port out a year later. We vow never to see each other again, but I’ll remember the laughs we… Continue reading Bosom Buddies: Leaving The Port Behind