Cancer Musings · Video Clip

My Nobel Prize–A Gratitude Party! Save The Date!

The title for this muse hit me last year when I celebrated my last day of getting my hardcore chemo on the rocks. Among all the decorations, the 7th Graders in my daughter’s class had made me a poster that they all signed. It said, “Gra tit ude.” If only I could make this stuff… Continue reading My Nobel Prize–A Gratitude Party! Save The Date!

Last Laughs

Snap Out Of It! It’s The Year of The Tiger

You have until midnight Saturday, January 22, 2022 to win a $110 gift certificate just for commenting on my muse. To be eligible to enter the drawing, comment on what’s your favorite muse and why. Post comments on this week’s video or last week’s index of muses. Your User Guide! (To Binge-Read A Muse4Mama Or… Continue reading Snap Out Of It! It’s The Year of The Tiger

Cancer Afterlife · Chemo Daze

The Halfway House Between Life & Death

I’ll be serious with you for a change, as fun as I’ve made cancer out to be. There needs to be a disclaimer: don’t try this at home. In other words, don’t go looking for cancer. But sometimes, cancer finds you or a loved one, and then all the jokes stop, and the tears come… Continue reading The Halfway House Between Life & Death