Cancer Musings · Chemo Daze · Cloud 9 · Cunningham's Court

Moonwalking Through My Chemo Daze

It was the year of my birth, BC (before cancer), and Neil Armstrong landed on the moon to plant the American flag there. And here I am, in much the same way, moonwalking through my chemo rounds. I get a hero’s send-off (my gratitude chemo board and all those prayers and well wishes), I get… Continue reading Moonwalking Through My Chemo Daze

Cunningham's Court

Flying High with Nike, Air Jordan and Bowling

Michael Jordan is larger than life right now (in 6.1 million people’s minds) but in 1989 I hoped to at least beat him in bowling. It’s quite a trip down memory lane to get there, but at the end of the trip is a bowling lane with MJ. I don’t harbor any hard feelings that… Continue reading Flying High with Nike, Air Jordan and Bowling