Locker Room Moments · Mama's Musings

A Terrorific Toast To A Greek Honeymoon Nothing

What happens after a 35,000-foot high romance? Though I’d like to cut straight to the terrific part and toast Alex on his birthday, all things terror is on my mind lately (chemo starts Wednesday). It got me to wonder, though, how could terror and terrific be such opposites? Turns out terrific used to have a… Continue reading A Terrorific Toast To A Greek Honeymoon Nothing

Locker Room Moments · Mama's Musings · Theater

Crisis Interrupted; Harmony Restored

Last year I figured if I had to turn 50 and have a mid-life crisis, I better have fun doing it. So I went where I hadn’t gone before–to the stage. And the girls restored peace into my world again. Name another way that a mid-life mama could sing and dance and draw attention to… Continue reading Crisis Interrupted; Harmony Restored