In My Opinion · Zana & Sky

I Believe In One Nation Under God, Do You?

Yesterday people posted upside-down flags, the DJ on the radio talked about what color you could wear to show your dissent, and people got shot at a 4th of July parade. Disturbing! And not because there were shootings on the 4th of July; Americans shoot Americans daily. So that part’s not surprising (sadly). But the… Continue reading I Believe In One Nation Under God, Do You?

Cancer Musings · Zana & Sky

Joyriding Through Cancer & A Kaleidoscope First Year

Sometimes life piles it on so thick you wonder how you’re still standing. At times like that, I need to remember to sit down, put the top down, and enjoy the colorful ride instead. It’s been so hard. I even missed my blog the week before last, and I was about to miss it again… Continue reading Joyriding Through Cancer & A Kaleidoscope First Year

Mama's Musings · Zana & Sky

The Gift Exchange Somewhere Between Life & Death

We can’t go through life unscathed. Inevitably, we’ll be both patient and caregiver, or maybe both at the same time. Yet, it comes as such a big surprise. As if we weren’t expecting a health scare to disrupt our otherwise perfect lives. So maybe we should be asking ourselves, instead: which side are you on… Continue reading The Gift Exchange Somewhere Between Life & Death