Greatness · Life Legends · On Becoming

What Are Sports (and Snoop Dogg) Doing Here?

Now that the Olympics are over, what’s next? I don’t know what I’ll do with myself without Snoop Dogg randomly popping up at the Olympics. Whenever I saw him, I wondered what’s he doing there. And then I’d smile and remember Pop Jones scrolling through his phone after our interview last year to show me… Continue reading What Are Sports (and Snoop Dogg) Doing Here?

Theater · xo Stephanie

The Diary Behind The Diary of Anne Frank

I can’t get the Diary of Anne Frank out of my mind or soul. Watching rehearsals and feeling the build-up of the PCS Theater production has given me spiritual healing – saying it’s cathartic seems to trivialize what the Director, the cast, and the crew are all about. ‘The Diary of Anne Frank’ rarely knocks… Continue reading The Diary Behind The Diary of Anne Frank

Mama's Musings · Stephanie Ortiz-the writer beyond the muse

About Me – The Muse Within

This muse is a bit unusual because why not? I was singing along to John Legend, and his lyrics skipped me by all those times I listened to his song “All of Me.” Get this, he sings: “You’re my muse!” Of course, it made me think he was singing about us. We have such a… Continue reading About Me – The Muse Within