In My Opinion · Zana & Sky

I Believe In One Nation Under God, Do You?

Yesterday people posted upside-down flags, the DJ on the radio talked about what color you could wear to show your dissent, and people got shot at a 4th of July parade. Disturbing! And not because there were shootings on the 4th of July; Americans shoot Americans daily. So that part’s not surprising (sadly). But the… Continue reading I Believe In One Nation Under God, Do You?

Family Musings · In My Opinion

Dads With Daughters, Little Women Trumps Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

It’s 2020, it’s all about reflections or resolutions. And what we deal with personally is just magnified at the movies. So here it goes. “Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker is the ultimate reflection movie as it’s the culmination of the series while “Little Women” is all about Jo’s resolution to get her voice heard.… Continue reading Dads With Daughters, Little Women Trumps Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker