Greatness · Life Legends · On Becoming

What Are Sports (and Snoop Dogg) Doing Here?

Now that the Olympics are over, what’s next? I don’t know what I’ll do with myself without Snoop Dogg randomly popping up at the Olympics. Whenever I saw him, I wondered what’s he doing there. And then I’d smile and remember Pop Jones scrolling through his phone after our interview last year to show me… Continue reading What Are Sports (and Snoop Dogg) Doing Here?

Family Musings · On Becoming

On Being A Doorstopper No More, Unless My Daughter Calls On Me!

My daughter’s gone to college to start her grand adventure (gulp) without me. I took comfort that Brooke Shields cried, dropping off her daughter at college, and her daughter’s a sophomore, not even a freshman. But who am I kidding? I can’t look that beautiful when I cry. But Alex always has to be practical… Continue reading On Being A Doorstopper No More, Unless My Daughter Calls On Me!