4 Philly Flair · Mama's Musings

Hence The Name A Muse 4 Mama But What’s The Point?

I’ll tell you the point; this motherboard’s fried! (Don’t mind me; I’m just arguing with GrammarlyGO!) I’m so over GrammarlyGO. I write something that makes my stomach flutter (in a good way), which means it’s time to release it into the world, post that sucker, baby! And then I check what GrammarlyGO (AI text generation)… Continue reading Hence The Name A Muse 4 Mama But What’s The Point?

xo Stephanie

Will The Real Role Models Please Stand?

All my fun crowd pictures are blurry so thank goodness for Photo by PxHere I want someone to hear me; I bet you do, too. But we’re up against a society that’s so loud and boisterous, and everyone’s clamoring for attention. Look at me, Mom, please? None of us look like role models, do we? But… Continue reading Will The Real Role Models Please Stand?

Family Musings · On Becoming

On Being A Doorstopper No More, Unless My Daughter Calls On Me!

My daughter’s gone to college to start her grand adventure (gulp) without me. I took comfort that Brooke Shields cried, dropping off her daughter at college, and her daughter’s a sophomore, not even a freshman. But who am I kidding? I can’t look that beautiful when I cry. But Alex always has to be practical… Continue reading On Being A Doorstopper No More, Unless My Daughter Calls On Me!