Road Tripping · Theater

560 Days To Take A Gander At “Come From Away”

After 560 days, we were welcomed to the rock by Joel Hatch yesterday, where he first appeared in “Come From Away” as the mayor of Gander. What we weren’t expecting was just how cathartic that welcome would be. I have many ways to take this story, but if the writers could take 4,000 hours of… Continue reading 560 Days To Take A Gander At “Come From Away”

Locker Room Moments · Mama's Musings · Theater

Crisis Interrupted; Harmony Restored

Last year I figured if I had to turn 50 and have a mid-life crisis, I better have fun doing it. So I went where I hadn’t gone before–to the stage. And the girls restored peace into my world again. Name another way that a mid-life mama could sing and dance and draw attention to… Continue reading Crisis Interrupted; Harmony Restored

Mama's Musings · Theater

In Defense of Hamilton, Lin-Manuel Miranda & Imperfection

Thinking twice about your love for Hamilton because the intellectuals doubt its relevancy in our lives today? Read this, and you’ll have something that they don’t have: hope. “I’m not throwing away my shot” to defend Lin-Manuel Miranda and the Hamilton cast. Ahmad Rashad said it best, “people build you up to tear you down.”… Continue reading In Defense of Hamilton, Lin-Manuel Miranda & Imperfection