A Muse 4 Mama

Dads With Daughters, Little Women Trumps Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

It’s 2020, it’s all about reflections or resolutions. And what we deal with personally is just magnified at the movies. So here it goes. “Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker is the ultimate reflection movie as it’s the culmination of the series while “Little Women” is all about Jo’s resolution to get her voice heard.… Continue reading Dads With Daughters, Little Women Trumps Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

Life Transitions

Goodbye Mommyhood but Daddy is still Daddy

Goodbye Mommy. Goodbye Daddy (somehow he still gets to be called Daddy. For the record, that’s so not fair). Goodbye little kids. Leaving behind all that made life cute: the days of make believe and unicorns, cool crafts, matching outfits (that I bought. I had good taste back then), oh, those photo opps, Disney princesses,… Continue reading Goodbye Mommyhood but Daddy is still Daddy