Cancer Musings · Cloud 9 · Locker Room Moments

The Anniversary Special: An Outlier With A Twist Of People Pleaser

Twenty-three years ago today, Alex married an outlier. I was all dressed in white, so I looked like any other bride, but I stood out from the crowd in ways we were too young to understand. But Alex and I always lived on the outskirts; we did our own thing, or better yet, in the… Continue reading The Anniversary Special: An Outlier With A Twist Of People Pleaser

Chemo Daze · Locker Room Moments

The Truth Behind The Wizard of Oz–It’s Not What You Think

The Wizard of Oz is about as American as apple pie, the fireworks, and the 4th of July (nice segue, right?). And after last week’s post, what I miss most about chemo, I bet you thought chemo brain and the great love that surrounded me’s a thing of the past–no worries on that front. It’s… Continue reading The Truth Behind The Wizard of Oz–It’s Not What You Think