Locker Room Moments · Mama's Musings

What Our Father Figures Taught Us About Life

I always thought there’s a giant stadium (the Spectrum) in my Dad’s head. Of course, not everyone could be the player or the coach, but we all made up the different parts of the game. Yes, we had the x’s and the o’s, but there were the salespeople, sportswriters, photographers, fans, janitors, and oh how… Continue reading What Our Father Figures Taught Us About Life

Cancer Musings · Locker Room Moments

So You Never Forget You’ve Got A Friend

I’m getting so frustrated re-remembering all that I forgot and reinventing myself. I forget that I had a trip to the underworld, and my brains, body, and emotions have had a run-in with Hades to prove it. I’ve forgotten so much; where do I begin? I try to remember the chemo boards, the photos, the… Continue reading So You Never Forget You’ve Got A Friend