Dedicated Muse · Mama's Musings · Road Tripping

The Mother Lode Of The Wild West, Bolivia

Twenty-three years ago. I went to Bolivia filled with youth, health, and an adventurous silver streak in my otherwise brown hair, but I couldn’t appreciate the riches of the Wild West of Bolivia the way my father-in-law (Papito) did. He drew from those riches when we first met at their apartment in Washington, DC. We… Continue reading The Mother Lode Of The Wild West, Bolivia

Road Tripping

What I Wish I Taught My Daughters

Driving with my daughters from Pennsylvania to Nashville after Christmas break got me thinking. You know how road trips are. We passed through lots of slow downs, and many playlists, five states and drove through sunny skies, heavy rain, and fog, and somehow the car made it to the music city. Now ask me how… Continue reading What I Wish I Taught My Daughters

Family Musings · On Becoming

On Being A Doorstopper No More, Unless My Daughter Calls On Me!

My daughter’s gone to college to start her grand adventure (gulp) without me. I took comfort that Brooke Shields cried, dropping off her daughter at college, and her daughter’s a sophomore, not even a freshman. But who am I kidding? I can’t look that beautiful when I cry. But Alex always has to be practical… Continue reading On Being A Doorstopper No More, Unless My Daughter Calls On Me!