In My Opinion · Zana & Sky

I Believe In One Nation Under God, Do You?

Yesterday people posted upside-down flags, the DJ on the radio talked about what color you could wear to show your dissent, and people got shot at a 4th of July parade. Disturbing! And not because there were shootings on the 4th of July; Americans shoot Americans daily. So that part’s not surprising (sadly). But the… Continue reading I Believe In One Nation Under God, Do You?

Mama's Musings · Road Tripping

The Mother’s Day Special That Never Happened

Since Sunday night, I’d been in Nashville with Skylar for an internship she has here, and I took three photos, maybe? Gone are the two trips we traveled here as a family and took tons of photos to document our memories. Now we’re separated. Dividing and conquering because everybody has something different going on all… Continue reading The Mother’s Day Special That Never Happened

Mama's Musings · Road Tripping

You Wanna Take A Four-Minute Retreat With Me? Promise to Amuse!

“A retreat? You must be kidding me.” you say. It’s true, I’ve done my fair share of kidding, but I’m always kidding, and I’ll get to the funny parts in a moment, but yes, a retreat. It’s not so easy to even think about, let alone do. I’m only asking for a few minutes of… Continue reading You Wanna Take A Four-Minute Retreat With Me? Promise to Amuse!